Ph.D Thesis supervised/supervising  

1. A. Ramanathan - 1993, Geochemistry of thermal springs along the west coast of india, Maharastra, India.

2. P. Navaneethakrishnan - 1994, Flow stratigraphy, geochemistry and paleomagnetism of Central Deccan Volcanics and evolution model for Deccan Volcanism.

3. Lekha Siraz - 1995, Evaluation of groundwater resources along northern coastal region of Bombay.

4. Siraz - 1995, Saltwater intrusion studies along the coastal hard rock aquifer, Maharashtra, India.

5. Hetu C Sheth - 1998, Geochemistry, petrogenesis, stratigraphy and structure of  Deccan  Flood Basalts  of the Western  Satpura -Tapi region, India.

6. Biju Mathew - 1999, Geology and Geochemistry of metavolcanics and associated sulphide ores of Kalyadi and Ingaldhal, Karnataka State, South India.

 7. Al-Khateeb - 2000, Saltwater intrusion in coastal areas: The use of SHARP a Quasi 3D finite difference model to simulate fresh water and saltwaterflow in Wadi Surdud,Yemen Republic.

8. M. Swaminathan - 2000, Mineralogy and geochemistry of soils associated with different climatic regions of Maharashtra.

9. Jalihal A. A - 2002, Fluoride contamination in groundwater, Hungund, Karnataka.

10. Hema C.T - 2004, Fluoride contamination in groundwater, Morel river basin, Rajasthan.

11. Saji S. - 2007, Fluoride contamination in groundwater, Karbi-Anglom, Assam.

12. Alam M .A - 2008, Geochemistry of Barren Island volcanics and fumeroles, Andaman Sea.

13. Syed Hilal Farooq- 2009, Role of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in mobilization of arsenic from sediments to groundwater, Murshidabad, West Bengal (India).

14. Gloria Eyong E. Takem -2009, Hydro geochemistry and hydrogeological setting of groundwater in the unconfined urban aquifer system of Douala-Cameroon – University of Buea, Cameroon, TWAS Fellow.

15. Thambidurai.P - Arsenic Pollution in Groundwater - Parts of Mizoram (in Progress).

16. Hemant Kumar Singh - Assessment of geothermal resources of Bihar and Jharkhand using field and laboratory investigation (in Progress).

17. Banambar Singh - A numerical simulation of creation of optimal fracture network for heat extraction from engineered geothermal Reservoirs (under IITB-Monash Academy-in progress).

18. Chandrashekhar Azad - Source charaterization and mobilization mechanism of Arsenic in groundwater Manipur, India (in Progress).