1.Chandrasekharam, D. 1980. Chemical quality of open well waters from Trivandrum coastal belt. Proceed. Water Res. of Southern States. Madurai Kamaraj Uni., Madurai. pp 15-23.
2.Chandrasekharam, D. Bindumadhav, U. 1980. Exploration for groundwater in hard rocks-a hydrochemical approach. Proceed. 6th National Convention for Explo. Geophysicists. Bangalore , pp 17-26.
3.Chandrasekharam, D. and Basak, P. 1980. How far is your well from the cemetery? J. Pub. Health Eng. 4, pp 99-102.
4.Chandrasekharam, D. and Ushakumari, S. 1982. Geochemistry of groundwater in the unconfined aquifer along the coastal belt of Kozhikode, Kerala, India. Proceed. Regional workshop on Limnology and Water resources Management and Development, Kulalumpur, pp. 132-145.
5.Chandrasekharam, D. 1982. Saltwater intrusion into the coastal aquifer, Kozhikode district, Kerala. Proceed. Irrigated Farming in India, Shivaji Uni., Kolhapur. pp 45-53.
6.Chandrasekharam, D. Bindumadhav, U. and Ushakumari, S. 1983. Geochemical characteristics of groundwater in hard rock aquifers. Proceed. Assessment, Development and Management of Groundwater Resources., Central Groundwater Board, Ministry of Irrigation, New Delhi. pp 317-333.
7.Chandrasekharam, D. 1983. Effect of pCO2 in the atmosphere on the chemistry of groundwater. Extended Abs. Proceed. Interna. Conf. Biometeorology, New Delhi. pp 15-17.
8.Chandrasekharam, D. 1984. Calcium enrichment in coastal wells, Kozhikode, Kerala. Bull. Sci. 1, pp 36-39.
9.Chandrasekharam, D. 1985. Quality of groundwater along the coastal belt of the south-west Indian subcontinent. Proceed. V World Congress on Water Resources, Belgium.
10.Chandrasekharam, D. 1985. Quality of groundwater along the coastal belt of the south-west Indian subcontinent. Proceed. V World Congress on Water Resources, Belgium.
11.Chandrasekharam, D. 1985. Structure and evolution of the western continental margin of India deduced from gravity, seismic, geomagnetic and geochronological studies. Phy. Earth. Planet. Interiors., 41, pp 186-198.
12.Chandrasekharam, D. and Raghavan, V. 1985. A need for computer aided analysis of lineaments in regional groundwater exploration programme. Proceed. IV Annual Convention.Asso. Hydrogeologists of India, Hissar. pp 21-28.
13.Chandrasekharam, D. and Raghavan, V. 1985. Chemistry of groundwater in the Gunjani river basin of Pune, Maharashtra. ibid., pp 32-37.
14.Raghavan, V. and Chandrasekharam, D. 1986. Significance of space image, air photo and drainage linears in relation to west coast tectonics of India. European Space Agency (ESP) SP 254, IGARSS-86, "REMOTE SENSING" (Eds) T.D.Guyenner and J.J.Hunt. pp 425-430.
15.Chandrasekharam, D. 1986. Heavy metal adsorption by laterites and clays - an experimental investigation on laterite-clay-water systems. 5th Water-rock Interaction, National Energy Authority, Iceland (Ex-abstract) . pp 112-116.
16.Chandrasekharam, D. 1986. Evolution of Laccadive - Kerala graben along the western continental margin of India. ( Abstract) IUGG Sym.,Canada.
17.Chandrasekharam, D. and Ushakumari, S. 1988. Metal adsorption by laterites and clays: Experimental investigation on laterite -clay -water interaction. in "Role of Earth Sciences in Environment" (Ed) K.C.Sahu IIT - Bombay, pp 203-231.
18.Chandrasekharam, D. Ushakumari, S and Ahmad, A. 1988. Chemical characteristics of groundwater in laterites. Hydrology. J. 11, pp 1-8.
19.Chandrasekharam, D. 1989. Anomalous SO4 - Cl groundwater in the coastal aquifer, Kerala. Indian Acad. Sci., 98, pp 287-295.
20.Chandrasekharam, D. 1993. Application of XRD technique in water -rock interaction experiments. in "Applications of Analytical Instruments". (Eds.) B.S.Acharya and Rajeev, Allied . Pub., New Delhi, pp 121-126.
21.Al-Khateeb, Y.A. and Chandrasekharam, D. 2000. Saltwater contamination in the coastal aquifer, Tihama plain, Wadi Surdud, Yemen Republic. In "Groundwater 2000" Proceed. (Eds). P.L.Bjerg, P.Engesgaard and T.D. Krom, A.A.Balkema Pub.Com. The Netherlands, pp 223-224.
22.Chandrasekharam, D., Lekha, S. and Shah, S.D. 2000. Groundwater contamination due to salt-panning activity at Vasai-Palghar coastal zone, northern Mumbai, India. In "Groundwater 2000" Proceed. (Eds). P.L.Bjerg, P.Engesgaard and T.D. Krom, A.A.Balkema Pub.Com. The Netherlands, pp 233-234.
23.Chandrasekharam, D. Julie Karmakar., Berner, Z. and Stueben, D. 2001. Arsenic contamination in groundwater, Murshidabad district, West Bengal. Proceed. Water-Rock Interaction 10, A.A.Balkema Pub. Com.
24.Doris Stueben, Zsolt Berner, Chandrasekharam, D. and Julie Karmakar. 2003. Arsenic pollution in groundwater of West Bengal, India: Geochemical evidences for mobilization of As under reducing conditions. App. Geochem. 18, 1417-1437.
25.Hema T C., Chandrasekharam, D. and Jalihal, A. A. 2003. Fluoride contamination of groundwater in India- country update. Proceedings-Symposium on Intensive use of Groundwater: Challenges and Opportunities (sinex) Valencia – Spain; 10 to 14 December 2002 (p102-110).
26.Doris Stüben., Zsolt Berner, Wagner,F., Norra, S., Agarwala, P., Chandrasekharam, D. and Chatterjee, D. 2003. Arsenic contamination in groundwater: A worldwide calamity. (Abst-Extended). 7th Inter. Conf. Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE), Uppsala, Sweden, June 15-19, 2003.
27.Al-Kebsi A.Y., Al-Aawah, M.A.H and Chandrasekharam, D. 2003. Saltwater contamination in the coastal aquifer, Tihama plains, Wadi Surdud, Republic of Yemen. University of Sana’a Faculty of Science Bull., 16, 111-123.
28.Hema Tiwari Chaturvedi and Chandrasekharam, D. 2004. Geochemistry and genesis of high fluoride groundwater in parts of morel river basin, Rajasthan, India. 6th Int. Conf. on Hydroscience and Engineering (ICHE-2004), May 30-June 3, Brisbane, Australia.
29.Hema T Chaturvedi, Chandrasekharam, D. and Jalihal, A.A. 2004. Fluoride contamination of groundwater in India- country update A.A. Balkema Pub.
30.Hema Tiwari Chaturvedi and Chandrasekharam, D. 2004. Mobilization of F- from rocks and soils in to groundwater, Morel river basin, Rajasthan, India. Proceed. 11th Water Rock Interaction (Ed) R.B.Wanty and R.R. Seal II, A.A. Balkema Pub. 389-392.
31.Chandrasekharam, D., Jalihal A.A., and Hema T Chaturvedi. 2004. High fluoride concentration in groundwater around Hungund-Ilkal area, Bagalkot district, Karnataka. Fluoride.
32.Farooq, S. H, Chandrasekharam, D., 2009. Role of agricultural practices and product processing in mobilization of arsenic: German Alumni Groundwater Network, DAAD Expert Seminar on Water & Biodiversity, 1 - 6 November 2009, Bangalore, India. pp. 17
33.Farooq, S. H, Chandrasekharam, D., Berner, Z., Norra, S., Thambidurai, P. and Stüben, D., 2009. Effect of traditional jute producing techniques in mobilization of arsenic in the Bengal Delta: 3rd International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment, 17 -21 May 2010, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan. (Extended abstract accepted).
38.Farooq, S. H, Chandrasekharam, D., Norra, S., Berner, Z. and Stüben, D., 2009. Role of paddy generated DOC in contaminating the shallow aquifer in West Bengal. (Under Review: Water Research).
32.Takem G.E, Chandrasekharam, D., Ayonghe, S. N., Thambidurai, P. 2010. Pollution characteristics of alluvial ground water from springs and bore-wells in semi-urban informal settlements of Douala, Cameroon, Western Africa. Environ. Earth Sci.. DOI 10.1007/s12665-009-0342-8.
33.Farooq, S. H, Chandrasekharam, D., Norra, S., Eiche, E., Berner, Z., Thambidurai, P. and Stüben, D. 2010. Temporal variations in arsenic concentration in the groundwater of Murshidabad District, West Bengal, India.Environ. Earth Sci.. DOI 10.1007/s12665-010-0516-4.
34.Chandrasekharam, D.,Thambidurai, P., Farooq, S. H., Rajlaxmi, R., Norra, S., Berner, Z. and Stueben, D. 2010. Arsenic cycle in aquifers in irrigated region of West Bengal: National conference on Groundwater resource development and management in hard rocks, 12 -13 February 2010, University of Pune, India. pp.49.
35.Farooq, S. H, Chandrasekharam, D.,Thambidurai, P., Burner, Z., and Stueben, D., 2010. Organic carbon in paddy fields and its effect on arsenic in groundwater, West Bengal: National conference on Groundwater resource development and management in hard rocks, 12 -13 February 2010, University of Pune, India. pp.50.
39.Farooq, S. H, Chandrasekharam, D., 2010. Water Contamination In India and Its Impact on Socity: National Conference on Geomatics in Disaster Management,9 -10 April, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India. pp.51.
40.Farooq, S. H, Chandrasekharam, D., Berner, Z., Norra, S., and Stüben, D., 2010. DOC from tradtional jute processing technique and its potential influnce on arsenic contamination in Bengal Delta. App.Geochem (in press).
41.Farooq, S. H, Chandrasekharam, D., Berner, Z., Norra, S., and Stüben, D., 2010. Effect of traditional agricultural practices in mobilization of arsenic from sediments to groundwater in Bengal Delta. Water Research, doi: 10.1.1016/j.waters.201.05.057.
42. Thambidurai, P., Chandrasekharam, D. Chandrashekhar, A.K., and Farooq, S.H., 2012. .Arsenic contamination in groundwater of Surma basin of Assam and Mizoram, North Eastern India. 4th Inter.Cong. on Arsenic in the Environment, Cairns, Australia. pp. 47-49.
43. Thambidurai, P., A.K. Chandrashekhar and Chandrasekharam, D.. 2013. .Geochemical Signature of Arsenic Contaminated Groundwater in Barak Valley (Assam) and Surrounding Areas, Northeastern India. Proceed.Earth and Planetary Sci., 7, pp., 834-837, 2013.
44.Mahendra, P. V., Portugal, E., Gangloff, S., Armienta, M.A., Chandrasekharam, D., 2014. Determination of Carbonic Species Concentration in Natural Waters: Results from a World-Wide Proficiency Test. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research. doi: 10.1111/j.1751-908X.2014.00306.
45.Farooq S. H. and Chandrasekharam, D.. 2014. . Surface Generated Organic Matter: An Important Driver for Arsenic Mobilization in Bengal Delta Plain in "Arsenic distribution in Gangetic Plain" (Eds.) H. Prommer, A. L. Ramanathan, A. Mukerjee and B. Nath. Springer (in press).
46. Chandrashekhar, A.K., Chandrasekharam, D.,Thambidurai, P. and Farooq, S.H., 2014. . Arsenic Contamination in the Groundwater of Thoubal and Bishnupur District of Manipur, India. Intern. J. Earth Sci. Engg. 7 (1), 35-40.
47. Thambidurai, P., Chandrasekharam, D. and Chandrashekhar. A.K., 2014. . Hydrogeochemistry and groundwater quality in Champhai, Mizoram, North Eastern India. Intern. J. Earth Sci. Engg. 7 (2), 421-425.
Interdisciplinary Fields
(With Physics and Chemical Engineering)
1.Sahaya Shajan, X., Sivaraman, K., Mahadevan, C. and Chandrasekharam, D. 1992. Lattice variation and stability of NaCl-KCl mixed crystals grown from aqueous solutions. Crys. Res. Tech., 27, pp 79-82.
2.Sahaya Shajan, X., Sivaraman, K., Mahadevan, C. and Chandrasekharam, D. 1992. X-ray investigation of KCl doped KDP single crystals. J. Pure and Appl. Phy., 4, pp 137-140.
3.Okram, G. S., Om Prakash., Padalia, B., Chandrasekharam, D., Tamhane, A. S. and Gupta, L.C. 1992. Effect of oxygen stoichiometry variation on Tc in Nd 1.85 Ce0.15 CuO 4-? Supercond. Sci. Tech., 5, pp 561-563.
4.Suba, K., Okram, G. S., Padalia, B., Chandrasekharam, D. and Udupa, M. R., 1994. On the substitution of Li in CuO. Material Res. Bull. 29, pp 443-450.
5.Chandrasekharam, D. 1995. Saltwater Intrusion in "Groundwater" (Chapter 6) (Ed) S.Pitchaiah, Scientific Pub., Jodhpur.
6.Anitha, V. P., Major, S., Chandrasekharam, D. and Bhatnagar, M. 1996. Deposition of molybdenum nitride thinfilms by r.f. reactive magnetron sputtering. Surface Coating Tech., 79, pp 50-54.
7.Yadav, S. K., Ron, N., Chandrasekharam, D., Khilar, K. C., Suresh, A. K. and Nadkarni, V. M. 1996. Polyurias by interfacial polycondensation -preparation and properties. Jour. Macro Mol. Sci. (Phy) B 35, pp 807-827.
8.Sikder, A.K., Sarda, T., Misra, D. S., Chandrasekharam, D. and Selvam, P. 1998. Chemical vapour deposition of diamond on stainless steel: the effect of Ni-diamond composite coated buffer layer. Diamond and Related Materials, 7, pp.1010-1013.
9.Sikder, A. K., Sharda, T., Misra, D. S., Chandrasekharam, D., Velachamy, P., Minoura, H. and Selvam, P. 1999. Diamond deposition on Ni/Ni--diamond coated stainless steel substrate. J.Mater.Res., 14, pp.1-5.
10.Vazhacharickal, P.J., Predotova, M., Chandrasekharam, D., Bhowmik, S. and Buerkert. 2014. Urban and peri-urban agricultural production along railway tracks: ca case study from the Mumbai Metropolitan region. J. Agri. Rual Develop. Tropics and Subtropics. 114, 145-157.